Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Look For The Code Word In The Seventeen Looking For A Word In A Book?

Looking for a word in a book? - how to look for the code word in the seventeen

I read Angels and Demons and Vince Code, both by Dan Brown, I remember a word in a language that was anouther and free as "life in order and life outside translated balance" ... I turned to find books, to keep trying, but for my life, I can not, there is someone who can help me here? makes me crazy, I liked the how the word came to me at this moment in my life and I use it for something, someone please help me ......


enufwork said...

Hopi language


"The day of the goddess were over. The pendulum is swinging. Mother Earth has become a world of humans and the gods of destruction and war took their toll. The male ego had spent two millennia running unchecked by its female counterpart. The Priory of Sion believed that the degradation, the sacred feminine in modern life, which meant that the Hopi Indians koyanisquatsi'life-of-balance' an unstable situation marked by testosterone-fueled wars, a plethora of misogynistic societies, and a known lack of increased respect for Mother Earth "(p. 125-6).


Major Tom said...

I have both books and I liked it, but I can not remember a word. The Internet is a phrase that I think it was in these books even if it only this: that's life, which means "this is life" means. to use if people are unhappy and nature sounds are looking for a little what you do. if only a guess.

Stevie said...

Well, if you meet a lot, then you should be able to find easily. Take a moment to step back and away from pounds, then tighten again with a clear head, without the idea, they found. So come to you.

dd said...

atleast mention the word idiot

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